Did you know that one roof equals two barrels of oil! Manufactured shingles consist of 40% asphalt. By properly recycling shingles we reduce the need for foreign oil and in change help our local state and national governments construct new roadways to reduce costs of paving projects. Shingles take 400 years to breakdown in a landfill and more than 11 million tons of shingles end up there annually without this program in place.
Learn the process:
- Only clean loads are accepted as part of GRRWA’s Shingle Recycling Program. Roofing contractors will remove and keep shingles and separate from any other garbage or construction materials. A “Clean Load” consists of shingles, nails, and tar paper only!)
- Contractors deliver their shingles load to the landfill scale house where it will be weighed. They will then determine whether the load is a clean load and meets the discount guidelines.
- After being accepted into the landfill, the shingle loads are then loaded into one of two stockpiles as directed by GRRWA staff.
- Once the shingles are determined non-asbestos, they are taken to a hot mix asphalt company that will process the shingles into reusable material to create new asphalt roads for our community.
- Roofing companies and residents can save money and help our environment by keeping asphalt shingles out of our landfill. GRRWA offers a discounted tipping fee ($25.50/ton) for each clean load that meets the discount guidelines.
- Roofing companies taking part in this program are listed as a “Green Roofing Company” in employee reference materials, on our website and are referred over the phone to help potential customers find “green” contractors.
- GRRWA will provide trash bags for collecting job-related garbage to help keep this waste separate from the clean load materials.
Contact our main office today to join our Shingle Recycling Program! 319-372-6140.